The name Abdul akhir is a BOY name of
origin that means
A person who works excessively hard to the last
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" A person who works excessively hard to the last "
Here is the list of 10 BOY names from MUSLIM origin/s with similar meaning as of 'Abdul akhir'
Name | Meaning | Like | |
![]() Abdul akhir |
A person who works excessively hard to the last | 0 | |
![]() Abdul Batin |
A person work excessively hard for unseen. Slave of the unse... | 0 | |
![]() Abdul quddous |
An individual who works hard for slave to the Allah (Holy) | 0 | |
![]() Abdul nafee |
A person who works for his or her benefits | 0 | |
![]() Bouraoui |
it is a last name which means that the person does not reall... | 0 | |
![]() Daaim |
Lasting personality | 0 | |
![]() Sawlat |
Influence commanding personality awe; Influence, Commanding,... | 0 | |
![]() Bazish |
Aggressive; Hard-liner | 0 | |
![]() Aamil |
Doer; Doer, Work man; it means a Hardworking person | 0 | |
![]() Jalees |
A companion, Chum; Companion, friend, person with whom one s... | 0 |
Abdu , Abdual , Abdualla , Abdud daarr , Abduddaar , Abduh , Abduk , Abdukhdra , Abdukrahman , Abdul , Abdul / Abdel / Abd al , Abdul Aalee , Abdul Adl , Abdul Afuw , Abdul Ahad , Abdul Aleem , Abdul Ali , Abdul Alim , Abdul Aliyy , Abdul Awwal , Abdul azeem , Abdul Azeez , Abdul Azim , Abdul Aziz , Abdul Baari , Abdul Baasit , Abdul Badi , Abdul Baith , Abdul Baqi , Abdul Bari , Abdul Barr , Abdul Baseer , Abdul baset , Abdul Basir , Abdul Basit , Abdul Batin , Abdul fataah , Abdul fatah , Abdul fattaah , Abdul Fattah , Abdul Ghafaar , Abdul ghafar , Abdul Ghaffar , Abdul Ghafoor , Abdul Ghafur , Abdul Ghani , Abdul haady , Abdul Haafiz , Abdul Hadi , Abdul hady ,
Abda , Abdah , Abdeali , Athir , Gawahir , Jawahir , Masāhir , Moldir , Suhair , Ummulkhair , Zair , Jubair , Ghadir , Isir , Bashair , Benazir , Bikhtir , Fir , Abeda , Abeedah , Abeer , Abeera , Abeerah , Abhari , Abia , Abida , Abidah , Abiha , Abila , Abir , Abiya , Abiyah , Abla , Abla , Ablaa , Ablah , Abqari , Abqurah , Abra , Abrar , Abreshmina , Abrisham , Abroud , Abru , Abyar , Altair , Abaasa , Abadi , Abal , Aban ,
Here is the list of BOY names from origin other than MUSLIM but with similar meaning as of 'Abdul akhir'
Origin | Name and Meaning |
Baby Name 'Abdul akhir' Numerology: Name 'Abdul akhir' has a number value of 6 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology). Click here to find numerology for any name you wish to.
Baby Name 'Abdul akhir' Numerology (Indic/Vedic): Name 'Abdul akhir' has a number value of 3 as per Indian/Vedic Numerology. We request you to go to our Vedic/Indian numerology finder by selecting this link to find Indian/vedic numerology for any name from our list.
Jasmine symbolizes love, beauty and romance. The name jasmine literally means “gift from God” in Persian.
A rainbow is a multicolored arc and very special phenomenon that occurs in nature when it is rainy on one side, but sunny on the other. As a sign of hope and the beauty after storm; ...
Beautiful names inspired from Allah and Quran. When Allah is your strength, nothing can break you.
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